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AA District 24


District 24 Serves the nearly 50 AA Groups in Scott County and the cities of Carver and Chaska in Carver County. District 24 is part of Southern Minnesota Area 36 in the Midwest Region of the General Service Conference Structure. District 24 is made up of representatives from meetings within the boundaries noted above. The heart of any District are the General Service Representatives or G.S.R.'s - A.A. members who represent their A.A. groups. In fact our literature suggests that these people - General Service Representatives or G.S.R.s - are "perhaps the most important person in all of Alcoholics Anonymous."  The Conference-approved pamphlet "The General Service Representative" (click to read this literature) provides some detail as to how the G.S.R. can best represent their group.



District 24 Business Meetings are currently held online from 6:30 to 8 PM

on the 1st  Wednesday of the month via Zoom. Please copy and paste the following to attend our next virtual meeting at: 


Meeting ID: 886 6871 6747



So, how does District 24 fit in the bigger picture that is Alcoholics Anonymous?


Each District carries the cumulative group conscience of the groups within it's boundaries to it's respective Area - in our case, that is Southern Minnesota's Area 36. Area 36, then carries the cumulative group conscience of the 27 Districts via a Delegate to the General Service Conference where decisions related to the whole of A.A. are made or not made.


Special Note:


The heart of any District are the General Service Representatives or G.S.R.'s - A.A. members who represent their A.A. groups. They are referred to in our literature as "perhaps the most important person in AA."  The Conference-approved pamphlet "The General Service Representative" as well as the General Service Manual detail some of the G.S.R.'s possibilities and help our G.S.R.'s to best  represent District 24 to their group and vice versa.


P 45   Circles of Love and Service   p 4

The District 24's Goals include:


  • Keeping the lines of communication open between A.A. Groups and their District and the Area it is part of (Area 36) and the General Service Office (G.S.O.) through full representation of all active Groups within District 24.

  • Helping our General Service Representatives (G.S.R.s) gain knowledgeable and experience through the study, practice, and the application of the Twelve Traditions, the Twelve Concepts, and other principles of service as contained in “The A.A. Service Manual.”

  • Electing a District Committee Member (D.C.M.) and Alt. District Committee Members to represent District 24 at Area Service Committee Meetings and to participate with G.S.R.s at Area Assembles, and other Southern Minnesota Area 36 functions.

  • Strengthening District 24 Groups through service work to ensure that the opportunity to recover from alcoholism through the practice of the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions will be available for future alcoholics.

  • Supporting the A.A. service structure including the General Service Office, the Southern Minnesota Area 36 and District 24 in the spirit of the Seventh Tradition by encouraging all Groups in District 24 to establish and participate in a regular contribution plan.

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